Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ease and Grace- Being in Divine Flow- pt 2

Ease and Grace- Being in the Divine Flow--pt 2

In this post, I want to clear up some common misperceptions about how it feels to be in the Divine Flow. As we noted in an earlier post, the quantity of Ease and Grace we experience in our lives is directly related to our ability to live in the Divine Flow.

The Divine Flow is a current of energy that is organized by an intelligence that correlates your intentions with those of everyone around you while at the same time perfectly executing the Law of Karma (the Law of Circulation). Simultaneously it co creates a world that meets all of your deepest needs on time and abundantly and as well as fulfills your life purpose on a Soul level. This level of multitasking and sophistication confounds the human ego while it is also trying to predict and control and manage our lives. When these two forces are aligned it is the Kingdom of Heaven, when they are in total conflict, it feels and looks like Hell. Most of us live somewhere between and this feels like life like a life of quiet desperation. A contemporary bumper sticker reflects this struggle with the phrase “Life’s a Bitch and then you Die.”

People that are not aware of the nature of the Divine Flow often take actions that pull them out of the Divine Flow and put them into a stretch of life that looks like raging rapids or tumultuous water. Some people end up exhausted because they are actually rowing as hard as they can against their Divine Flow without evening knowing it. Others feel abandoned by God because they cannot find the flow, while they are paddling to stay in a side channel eddy or anchored in permanently in their Soul’s backwater.

The most important thing to remember about the Divine Flow is that it almost never looks or feels like you believe it is supposed to look and feel. It rarely feels the same way twice. The best practice for you then is to think like a river rafting guide in the spring. No matter how well you think you know the Divine Flow, check out the river after the stormy winter before taking your first run of the season. Talk with others that have run that stretch of water before. (Build a relationship with a minister/spiritual director). Take an exploratory trip with some senior guides skilled in whitewater rescue. (Have a spiritual community and support group). When you are in the slow season, read some guide books and keep in shape so that when you hit the Big Water, you are not overwhelmed. (Keep up with your daily spiritual practices).

At any given time, Divine Flow can feel like one of the following. By the way, keep in mind, sometimes one area of our life will feel one way and other areas will feel another way.

Circle or Dead Loop. If you are covering the same ground over and over again, obsessing about the same problems, holding onto the same hurt feelings, reacting to the same pattern of fears then you are in a dead loop. Best practice would be to change your thinking and the best way to do that is to choose a tough instructor and pray for a quick breakthrough.

Pulse. This is commonly stated as “two steps forward, one step back”. The Divine Flow feels like Divine Fits and Starts. Your good seems to come in small bits with long lulls of stagnation between surges of blessing. This is sometimes a signal of your own powerful resistance to your good, but conversely can also be 2nd force arising up to test the quality of your intentions for transformation. If the lulls are long, then it is most likely resistance, if the steps back feel sharp and intense then it is likely that you are experiencing second force.

Wave. Divine Flow can be experienced as a wave. This is characterized with a fair amount of up and down movement coupled with an increment of forward movement. This is a very normal process of allowing time to integrate changes and to prepare for the next surge. If the waves are large ups followed by large downs then the key skill to acquire is to relax and stay calm at both ends of the wave cycle. If the waves are very small and repetitious then you might look to see if you are deadening your experience.

Turbo Flow. This feels like an exponential curve where you look back and cannot believe the progress you have made. Your good keeps appearing in greater and greater measure as you keep saying yes without knowing how you are going to manage all of the abundance. One helpful key here is to remain humble, this too shall pass. If you want Turbo Flow to continue I suggest being grateful, give back to all those that have helped you generously and remain courageous.

Crash and Burn. This feels exactly what it sounds like. It signifies that you were committed to a wrong track and were ignoring signals (intuitions) to make changes and so in order for your good to arrive, you needed to let go completely of whatever you were overly attached to ( addicted to) that was less than your highest good. There is no “wrong track” spiritually, but if you set an intention and hold to it using tactics that are not aligned with the intention then sooner or later you will crash and burn. The good comes when you set an intention and then adopt tactics that will allow the intention to manifest.

Chaos. Chaos is experienced when nothing makes sense, nothing feels congruent, and too much is happening at once for you to easily manage but at the same time you do not quit on your good. When the Divine Flow feels chaotic it often means that you are in the midst of major greatness flowing your way while major good is still present. On the other hand, it can indicate that you are ambivalent about your good and keep canceling out your opportunities.

Brick Wall. This is what crash in burn will feel like a few cycles before the actual crash and burn. It is when you are still determined that your good must come to you in a certain fashion or though a certain channel when Spirit has other plans. This also could be, or course, what it feels like when 2nd force is melting and you are tempted to quit just before the miracle. A skilled veteran coach is essential here to help you determine how to move forward from this point.

Glacier. It feels much bigger than anything you can control or withstand. This is a force that will not quit. When Divine Flow is pushing like a glacier it is often painful, it continues to grind and propel all that is in front of it forward. It will methodically scour everything out of its way, but slowly and painfully. When Divine Flow is pulling from Glacier mode it is like a magnetic draw that keeps you headed for your good (a giant tractor beam from Star Trek that will not let go).

Dark Night of the Soul. This is when you wish that you had just merely crashed and burnt. This is being in the crucible. It feels dark, and alone and eternally separate from the flow of good. Mystics say this is a great place because Spirit never gives us more than we can truly handle. Suicide Prevention counselors wonder about that. You need help here and the willingness to ask for and receive help if very far away for most of us in our Dark Night of the Soul.

There are of course an infinite number of variations on how Divine Flow shows up. Each one of us must at some level navigate this dynamic energy field in our lives. Just remember that Divine Flow is dynamic, it is always changing. It is always present and it is rarely going to show up in the fashion we think it should.

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