Affirmation: My greatest good comes into my awareness through the grace and flow of the Universal Organizing Intelligence.
I am continually fascinated by how people look at organizing intelligence.
Some people act as if it does not exist outside their own brainpower. They insist on figuring out each detail before they commit. Others leverage organizing intelligence to the maximum by committing without any idea how the details are going to fall into place. I used to think I was somewhere in the middle… a practical and realistic visionary.
Now, it looks to me as if this straddle position is really situational spirituality. On projects that I perceive as fun, interesting, and that have low impact in terms of my core security needs, then I tend towards boldness. Over and over again, I have seen organizing intelligence bring to me ideas, people and resources that exceed my own capability to manage the project. We commit and then the Universe pulls into a design matrix all sorts of near magical occurrences to enrich the process.
The recent class on the Oprah/Tolle interviews represents a good case in point. We commenced the project because it sounded like a cool idea- to show the DVD and have local people share about the teachings. Then there were dozens of unforeseen issues that cropped up, that I had not foreseen and could not have foreseen. For example, we needed to burn DVD’s of the interviews. I do not own any blank DVD’s. Debbie and I were at the Costco store to purchase some and learned that there were several different types of blank DVD’s. I got the idea to call Rick on the cell phone to ask him what kind of blank DVD’s to purchase. He suggested it would be easier for him to burn the DVD’s and he did so. When he first tried to download the files, he could not do get them to download correct. Rather than quit, he found some free software that fixed the problem. I am pretty sure that Debbie and I would not have been able to solve this problem, for Rick it was an interesting challange.
I then discovered the interviews were 90 minutes long, I had assumed they were much shorter. That meant ten weeks of classes. Debbie and I were going to be gone for a couple of those weeks, and so I called some folks to see if they would lead one or two of the class sessions so long as we led most of them. Then there was the issue of how long each class should last, with a 90 minute interview, it would make the class too long if we made time for any local conversation—which to me was one of the more interesting aspects of the whole project. Then Yvonne, who was consulting with me behind the scenes on the whole project, suggested that we use segments of the interviews instead of the whole 90 minute program. Great solution- thank you God.
Then I realized I was faced with the prospect of watching ten DVD’s that were 90 minutes long to find the highlights….that is 900 minutes! I had the brainstorm to invite different people to watch individual shows and highlight the interview segments that they liked. That worked out great. Yet, I still felt overwhelmed in leading discussions on that much material, week after week-then I had the idea of asking different folks to lead the various segments for the whole class and not while we were out of town.
The next issue was that we needed a room, in which we could watch a projected image, and our normal classroom is not set up for this. What to do? …. Pray about it. Debbie and I brainstormed again, and we came up with the idea of using the senior center conference rooms which have projection capabilities. On and on it went, beautiful manifestation trusting the organizing intelligence of the Universe to support the project each step of the way. People stepped up like Van to help with the projections. Resources showed up- we offered the New Earth book on our web site, someone looking for the book found us and joined our study group. People that moved to town we surfing the web, liked the book and came to the class. We had many many unexpected blessings. The senior center is air conditioned, and for a couple of the classes, when we had the heat wave, it was very nice to meet in a cooler setting.
On and on it went, we had challenges galore and yet each one was resolved through conscious surrender into the knowing that all was in divine order. In my heart I knew the resolution was already present in the mind of God. I just had to show up and take the next natural step, and in doing prayerful and conscious authentic action each step of the way the project turned out swell.
But for me, when I am faced with big projects that impact my core security I have a much more difficult time trusting the organizing power I just relied on to co-create the Tolle class. My fear level is much higher and that constricts my ability to surrender into the unknown with a faith that there is a loving organizing power in my life. I tend to get overwhelmed and anxious- and hence I want to bail out early and often. I tend to freeze up, and so decisions do not flow and resources do not seem to appear. I get panicky and then want to force solutions which creates hard feelings in others and karma that I need to clear up. Then I get depleted and drained and burnt out and I want to take a break and the pressure seems to build and build.
I want to relax and to trust and to have faith and sometimes it is all I can do to just put one foot in front of the other and stay engaged at all. In these times, a prayer partner is very helpful. Masterminding or coaching come in as a close second. In each case others often can see my good unfolding when I am unable to do so. They can hold the high watch on my project when I am bogged down in the uncertainty and discomfort.
We are offering two classes that can help you in this creative part of the journey. One is Visioning and the other is Praying Dangerously. In the meantime, affirm that the resources you need are already surfacing into your awareness in this moment through the power of the Infinite Organizing Intelligence.