The Nightmare of Visioning.
It is the job of our ego to keep us safe. To accomplish this, the ego tends to want to look good and to be right (as in avoid mistakes). On the other hand, the soul is here for its own joy.
When we experience a deep visioning process, we access the soul’s joy expressing as us and through us- which is the very place that the ego avoids at all costs. That is not to say that once in a while when you vision, nothing of interest arises, but it does suggest that those who are very careful to maintain control so that they are safe and do not make mistakes often do not thrive in a visioning process.
The mind of the ego wants to know exactly how something is going to turn out before it will commit. It wants to know how much it will cost before signing on, it wants to know the risks before investing, it wants to know the downside before joining. On the other hand, your soul is here for its own joy.
When our soul is expressing God’s joy as us, then I assure you that the ‘how” is beyond our current imagination. Divine Intelligence has infinite organizing power. In comparison, our thinking is always limited thinking. Thus, it seems as if we cannot thrive and at the same time let our brain dictate that we must know “how” before we take the first step. Instead, we must be willing to go where the ego never wants to go, to the place of surrendered awareness, the place of vulnerability that requires us to trust moment by moment that our vision will unfold without us knowing how the next step looks. We know how it feels-- it feels scary. It feels just like we are teetering on a growing edge, skating along a slippery slope, lost in a dark and murky swamp with monsters and crocodiles and surrounded by creepy crawly things that go bump in the night. In short, to the ego, following a path of visioning looks like a nightmare.
In order to avoid this, the ego may impede the visioning process at the onset. It may do so by disparaging the whole idea of visioning. It may clamp down on the emerging vision so that it is controllable and understandable. It may sprout so many visions that it is confusing and crazy making to try and make sense of the visions. All this is to be expected and the only way through is to continue to calmly and lovingly vision.
The one sure way to allow the egoic mind to remain in control is to allow the problem solving process to invade or supersede the visioning process. Avoiding action by getting bogged down in details and plans and analyzing are key signs the ego has taken control. Thus, best practice is not to get into the problem solving arena while you are visioning and instead continue to vision. Eventually, the One Presence will make its Self known in a harmonized and unified process of vision and authentic action. Over multiple visioning sessions the focus of the initial vision organically becomes clear.
In the meantime, Spirit is organizing the details of “how” in predictable but unforeseen ways: things will open up, new ideas are realized, allies appear that you did not initially consider with resources and gifts that are helpful. None of this is as projected by the egoic mind, all of this is the soul’s joy unfolding. Ease and grace are the operative watchwords. There are no “mistakes” because there is no ‘right” way to do any of it. When we freely admit we do not know how to do it, we are then freed up to enjoy the journey.
Today we affirm: When I make mistakes, people are usually gentle and kind.